Zagreb – Winter | Hyperlapse and timelapse.

Suntem norocoși pentru că trăim într-o perioadă, în care transportul pe distanțe mari și foarte mari s-a ieftinit, și a devenit foarte accesibil nouă, tuturor. Cu un bilet de avion, putem ajunge repede, într-o destinație, pe care altfel, cu greu am putea-o vizita. Astăzi, luăm un bilet virtual, într-un city break de timelapse în Zagreb!

“ibreakphotos is one guy, one photo camera and one tripod. Also some software.

This is my first hyperlapse – a personal project that I’ve been working on, on and off, for 18 months, with the bulk of the shots and editing done in the last four months. For this video, I took over 60000 photos during two winters in Zagreb (2016 and 2017) and spent countless hours of my free time editing them and creating this video. Zagreb can be an amazing city during the winter, and I wanted to capture that and showcase it to the world.

Photos and edit: ibreakphotos


Music: Crystal Castles – Char (Foxwedding Remix)
Location: Zagreb, Croatia

Footage available for licensing in 4K:…

For all enquiries, e-mail me at

Thanks to The Westin Zagreb ( and Hotel Dubrovnik ( for allowing me to use their facilities to capture certain scenes.”