The American Southwest – A Time-lapse Journey
Vestul sălbatic este tărâmul de unde majoritatea cinefililor știu că au început multe dintre filmele artistice americane, atunci când cinematografia încă era considerată un lux, accesibil doar unora. De atunci, și până în prezent, s-au schimbat multe. Și de la transportul cu avionul, care a devenit foarte accesibil tuturor, și până la prețul redus al aparatelor din ziua de azi, numeroși împătimiți au acum posibilitatea de a crea, ei înșiși, scurt metraje din locul unde au fost trase pe film cele mai vechi filme ameriane. La drum, cowboy!
“Official selection of the Timelapse Showfest Film Festival 2014.
Endless wide open spaces, deserts and many national parks. No other region in the world offers so many natural wonders such as the American Southwest.
There is the Grand Canyon, which was formed by the Colorado River over millions of years. The Canyonlands National Park, considered one of the wildest National Parks of the United States and the Arches National Park with its sandstone arches, which has a special attraction.
“The American Southwest” invites you to dream, brings back memories and gives you itchy feet. Escape into another world in 6:37 minutes and discover the beauty of the American Southwest.
If you like my work you can support me and my future projects.
For your donation you will receive the download version in higher HD quality and with an additional minute with stunning shots from the American Southwest. In addition, you will receive some informations about the recording technique I used for the shots in minute 1:30, 2:58, 3:09, 3:55 and 4:14.
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