Tempus Fugit 2
Cele mai frumoase clipe pe care le trăim sunt efemere. Dacă fericirea ar fi de durată, n-ar mai fi fericire. De aceea, trebuie să ne bucurăm cât putem de bine, de acele momente frumoase, și rare, de fiecare dată când avem ocazia. Ca atunci când ne recreem în natură, și ne încărcăm cu energie de acolo. De ce? Pentru că Tempus Fugit!
“TEMPUS FUGIT 2 , the sequel of my first timelapse movie „Tempus Fugit“ (vimeo.com/69844748) took me three years to shoot. I was visiting a lot of popular and well known places around the world but quite remote and deserted spots, too, in the last three years. Sometimes I had to hike for hours with heavy equipment to come to the spots. You will find locations in Austria, Italy, Switzerland, Norway, Iceland and USA (California, Utah, Washington, Oregon).
The final movie consists of roughly 6.500 frames and had been cut out of 100 timelapse sequences with more than 30.000 frames altogether.
Shot with a Canon EOS1DX, and a Canon EOS 6D, Emotimo TB3, Dynamic Perception Stage One Dolly and QDSLR Dashboard. Developed in Adobe Lightroom and LRTimelapse and cut in Adobe Premiere pro CC. The Intro and Outro has been developed in Adobe After effects.
I am quite happy to have the exceptionally gifted composer Phil Rey on board again with his epic masterpiece „Lion Heart“. Without the amazing song „Lion Heart“ the project would have not been possible. Thank you Phil for your magnificent work!
A special thanks to my wife Christina who had wholeheartedly supported me and accompanied to the most places, no matter how strenuous the way or how bad the weather had been.”