London 4K

London-4KSă trecem peste situația conflictuală și fragilă (din punct de vedere geopolitic) a Londrei, și să încercăm să redescoperim frumusețea uneia dintre celei mai mari capitale europene, într-un montaj 4K.
Iată Londra, în toată splendoarea ei arhitecturală!

“**ALMOST EVERY CLIP IS FOR SALE! Need stunning time-lapses for your business? Commercials? Film? Don´t hesitate to contact me. Enjoy your day!**

A Time-lapse/Motion-picture journey of London UK. I started this project in the early spring season 2015. It took almost 4 months to shoot, edit and render all the sequences. This video of 38 000 pictures went down to 45 clips which some of them did not pass as “usable” or “good enough” clips.

Some may think that the actually time when shooting is the most time consuming part, that is wrong :)! To edit and correct the exposure and color of each frame and then render the single sequence make your day pass very easily.

I made the song specifically to this project. I feel like it´s much easier to get the right feeling and expression of the video that way, instead of trying to explain the feeling to someone else and then get misunderstood. There is so many artist with really good music out there but this was clearly the right decision for me.

Please give a thumb up if you like it and subscribe to my youtube channel for more videos!

Instagram: @storyoflondon and @denhefdigital

Thank You!
David Wall”