Bucharest timelapse

Bucharest timelapseBucurești-ul, pe lângă faptul că este aglomerat și foarte efervescent atât în timpul zilei, cât și noaptea, are un potențial cinematic foarte mare, fiind o atracție mare, în materie de timelapse, chiar și pentru străini. Astfel, vedem în clipul de mai jos un București surprins din unghiuri foarte diversificate, de către Harald Roman:
“Up and down, new and old, as seen by my sensor 🙂
Wanted to show a glimpse into the routine which we are used to everyday but didn’t have my external drive with me in the hospital to do more nor did i have the strength. Edit was done with only my left hand laying in a bed because i can’t use my right one because of some medical issues, so sorry for the obvious mistakes, i will redo this and the many more footage i have as soon as i regain my mobility.
This is part of a much bigger project and it should be regarded just as a preview. Content is available in 5k, 4k and 1080 (real one not the crappy YT one).”